
Gadgets - Origami?

I found a reference to this new gadget on jkOnTheRun blog. It seems this is still to be presented but some photos and videos are already available. The Origami project is to be presented on the 3rd March 2006, so we just have to wait a little longer for it . . .

It seems like a small tablet device. With a lot of potential some of the people that watched the video describes it as:

"I saw silver, black and some kind of ugly yellow" "MP3, Video, Remote for Media Center" "BT, Wifi, GPS receiver, 3G, game platform and tablet." "Nokia 770 + OQO + Tablet PC + MCE 9 ( + BlueTooth + WiFi) = Origami."

Watch the video here. On the site just follow these instructions: DigitalKitchen (Enter -> Enter -> Work -> Bandtheatre -> Microsoft Bank Of The Future) and enjoy . . .