
Tech Talk PT is moving

With the objective of providing better and more organized information I have moved the Tech Talk PT blog to another provider!

All the content of this blog is already in the new address.

The new address is . . .


Gadgets - Origami?

I found a reference to this new gadget on jkOnTheRun blog. It seems this is still to be presented but some photos and videos are already available. The Origami project is to be presented on the 3rd March 2006, so we just have to wait a little longer for it . . .

It seems like a small tablet device. With a lot of potential some of the people that watched the video describes it as:

"I saw silver, black and some kind of ugly yellow" "MP3, Video, Remote for Media Center" "BT, Wifi, GPS receiver, 3G, game platform and tablet." "Nokia 770 + OQO + Tablet PC + MCE 9 ( + BlueTooth + WiFi) = Origami."

Watch the video here. On the site just follow these instructions: DigitalKitchen (Enter -> Enter -> Work -> Bandtheatre -> Microsoft Bank Of The Future) and enjoy . . .


Build your own CSS files

What would you think if it was possible for you to build your own CSS files to apply in Sharepoint?

Thanks to James Milne we have on-line a Sharepoint Style Designer to build our own CSS files.

It s a very easy and helfull aid on design.

Sharepoint Tip - How to apply a Theme to SPS

In a Sharepoint Portal (SPS) we cannot apply a theme to change the "looks" of the Portal like we have in WSS, an option of administration. But it is still possible to apply a different theme to a SPS Portal, how can we do it?

1 - We need to get a Theme to apply.

In the Sharepoint Server:

You can find the available Themes for Sharepoint at "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\60\TEMPLATE\THEMES". You can also download themes from the internet.

Choose the Theme.CSS of the chosen Theme and place it in "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\60\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\2070"

In Sharepoint:

1 - Site definitions
2 - Change portal site properties and site creation definitions
3 - personalized CSS "_layouts\2070\theme.css"

That should do the trick!

Warning: the use of a theme might not reflect on all pages of the portal.


Sharepoint Tip - Recovering Documents directly from the database

I came across this tip a few months ago, but today I had to use it again for a client's assistance. It is not the common tip or you won't use it often, but it is good to know . . .

If you need to ever extract a file manually out of WSS/SPS, this is how you do it:

1) Find the right row. Everything is in the DOCS table (_SITE Database), and there is a DirName property that you can use to find it based on a relative path. Something like this will work.
WHERE (DirName LIKE 'sites/sitename/Shared Documents%')

2) From there, grab the ID guid. Save the following to a local .vbs file, and replace the servername, database name, GUID and filename.

Set cn = WScript.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
cn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB;data Source=SERVERENAME;Initial Catalog=WSS or SPS SITE DB name;Trusted_Connection=yes"
Set rs = WScript.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
rs.Open "Select content from docs where id='{guid goes here}'", cn
Set mstream = WScript.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
mstream.Type = 1
mstream.Write rs.Fields("content").Value
mstream.SaveToFile "c:\filename goes here", 2

Hope it helps!!!!

Road Map to SharePoint Developers

Thanks to Gregory S. Macbeth's blog here is a Road Map to become a Sharepoint Developer.
You can find this Road Map here.


Sharepoint what's the future?

Sharepoint started to be a very useful tool to provide shared information and content as well as a collaborative platform. But with the evolution of the products (SPS and WSS) we reach the new 2007 Office Sharepoint Server that besides the natural evolution of the platform has a greater integration with other applications and platforms.

The integration of the new version of CMS in the WSS architecture is one of the issues that takes me think that the future of this product is very bright, imagine an integrated Intranet / Extranet / Internet solution all in one product . . . Ok! We still have to see how this will be managed Licenses wise, but from the technical point of view, the possibility to provide quicker, safest, broader and potential cheaper (we still have to see this one) solutions it is just great.

The 2007 Sharepoint Server show is just now starting, but the new features revealed already make a great impact on the development community specially on Portal development.

Microsoft has made a serious bet on the development of 2007 Office Sharepoint Server, we can only wait and hope to try it as soon as possible . . .

Why CMS is integrated in WSS?

Sharepoint and CMS were up to now two separated products eventhough they could be linked and complemented by each other. In the new version of Sharepoint the CMS as we know it will be integrated in the WSS architecture, the reasons for this integration are explained in this article by Gerhard Schobbe (Group Program Manager - CMS Team) in the Sharepoint Team Blog.

What's in WSS 3.0?

On Raul Ribeiro's Blog we have a wonderful compilation of what we will find in WSS 3.0. Raul not only describes the features but also provides us with who is the source, the category and link to the information.
This is one must read information, well done Raul.

You can find this information here.

Note: WSS stands for Windows Sharepoint Services


Sharepoint - SQL Server 2000 Vs 2005 (Performance tests)

Currently with two versions of SQL Server (2000 and 2005) it is logic to question which one is better to use with Sharepoint? Microsoft provided us with a few performance tests to help us choose at the Microsoft Office Assistance.
These tests help us understand, performance wise, the rates on different cenarios.

Check test here.